Meet Our Investment Partners

Who We Partner With

Dakota Investments partners with a select group of boutique investment managers that are specialists in their respective asset classes. We act as part of their firm and perform all the sales, marketing and client service activities to support their growth. Our partnerships encompass top tier long-only and private alternative funds. 

Long-Only Partners


Large Cap Growth


Equity Income /
HY Municipal Bond


Mid Cap Growth


International Growth

Private Alternative Partners


Long/Short Equity


Real Estate Credit

Private Placement Partners


Series B

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What We Look For in a Manager

While there’s no one “right” fit for us, Dakota typically partners with boutique investment managers who are specialists in their respective asset classes.

We look for “know what you own” investment strategies, concentrated portfolios, disparate weightings, single product focus, employee-owned, low turnover, and strategies that are benefitting from clear macro trends within the economy.

Contact Us to See if a Dakota Partnership is Right for You

Contact Us to See if a Dakota Partnership is Right for You

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